1 year old food/meals

My daughter turned 1 in June. I was super afraid (sorta still am) to give her finger foods / table foods. I feel as if she doesn't chew enough. What do you feed a 1 year old? How much do you feed them (portion wise)? I feel like i give my daughter the same thing over and over. & yall are probably gonna think I'm ridiculous but the 1st picture is how small I cut her food up. (shown in pic: watermelon, chicken, strawberry, cheese, chicken and ham.) This size makes me the most comfortable cuz lord did i/do I stress myself out over "big" food given to her. I feed her until she doesn't want anymore. her dr said if I can smash it, she can have it. But seeing these pictures on pinterest (2nd pic) makes me think she's so behind! & it freaks me out how huge those pieces are. I notice my daughter swallowing hard on little pieces of strawberry. & my mom had given her a chunk of watermelon and she started choking. So I feel like she's definitely not ready.

Am I doing alright? or what should I do? edit: she has 2 front teeth n 2 bottom teeth. she has more coming in