Would it be cruel to put my cats on a diet


They act like they’re dying any time they don’t have food in their bowls. Even if they just ate it all. It got to the point that they’d rip bags open so I put their food in a big plastic container.

I left food in their bowls full and went to work. When I got back the container was toppled over and all the food was on the floor.

They had eaten so much food that they then puked all over my floor. So I had such a mess to clean up when I got home from work. Cat food and puke all over the place.

This needs to stop. I’m only going to feed them what they need for a day every day and that container is gonna get locked away under a cabinet. Is that mean because this is insane.

My kitten is still growing so he’s skinny but my cat.. he’s a fat cat. And it’s because he begs and begs for food and my so would give it to them. It wasn’t until the vet was like “okay this cat is a fat ass” for him to realize oh maybe I shouldn’t give my cat food all day. 💀💀💀💀 my cats are going on a diet. A diet as in not being fed so damn much.

I’m going to read up on exactly how much food they need in a day and they’ll only get that.