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So my husband has been kind of suspicious with his phone lately so today I took it when he wasn’t looking and when I opened it, it was on this app called Norwal which is kind of like reddit I guess. So I went on his “saved” pics and there was nudes that girls post (not pornstars) and omg I flipped I got out and threw his phone,slapped him and told him to pack his things. He always says he would never in a million years cheat on me because that’s what his mom did to his dad but I still see this as cheating. Am I in the wrong? I just feel so disrespected and grossed out that he had to go and get off to other nude girls. Now he also said that he did it because I haven’t been giving him any lately and that’s because I just feel so out of shape because I gained 12 pounds since I’ve been with him. Anyways, what do you girls think?

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Posted at
you definitely shouldn't have gotten physical with him. if it's not okay for guys, we can't make exceptions for girls. I personally feel it was an over reaction but that's because I don't see jerking off to pics as cheating unless he knows the girl(s) in person.


Kasey • Jul 11, 2018
I agree with this!


Posted at
I don’t think you’re wrong. I would also feel disrespected. Why he didn’t talk to you about wanting to have sex more often? But instead, he chose to look at sexy pictures of other women behind your back.Do some exercise, stay healthy and gain your confidence back, and find a better man that doesn’t feel the need to be looking at other women nudes because he finds you sexy enough. But this is just my opinion. Most people don’t wake up in the morning and be like “I feel like cheating on my partner today”. It starts by opening doors like being secretive, liking pictures then sending messages, then meeting in person and then “...OOPSY! I cheat on my S/O.”


Posted at
It’s literally just porn. Chill out and quit hitting, lord have mercy


Posted at
They actually did a research and found a % of kids who grew up with a cheating parents are twice as likely to cheat. I'd stick with my guns, but that's just me, at least time enough for a break to clear your mind


Posted at
Everyone is getting on you for slapping him bc they don’t see that as cheating but I see that as cheating. I mean even in wedding vows it says “will you comfort and keep her, forsaking all others” which means that he vowed to abandon, give up, renounce all other women in every way. If he’s horny he should look for satisfaction in you, not mere pictures of other girls.


Hannah • Jul 15, 2018
I would be really upset to see that on my boyfriend's phone. So I personally wouldn't be okay seeing that. But it still did not give her any right to be physical with him.


Posted at
Wrong for hitting. Women have to stop thinking abuse is one sided then get upset when they’re hit back. Besides that trust your gut it IS just porn but I’d see if there was actual interaction between women before getting super upset. When you look you find though so be cautious


Posted at
I mean I don’t have a whole lot of experience with this stuff but I don’t think what he did was right at all. It was disrespectful and I can understand why you’d be hurt. I wouldn’t say it’s cheating but you have every right to take a break from him if he hurt you like that.


Posted at
What a bastard. If he really loves and respects you he would not care if you gain a couple of pounds. My bf of 2 years knows I gained 10 lbs,(170 now). But he doesn’t mind he likes my squishy ness and curves all the same. Get ur self a new guy ASAP.😡


Posted at
I'm definitely not ok with my bf looking at porn and getting off to other women bc that just makes me feel like I'm not good enough.


Posted at
Definitely should not be getting off to other women, I also agree that it’s cheating and I would leave my fiancée in a heartbeat if I caught him doing that or watching porn after I told him not to, but you shouldn’t have hit him no.