Diminished sex drive

So hubby&i; have been together for 8 years. I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and sex has sort of always been an issue for us (he has the sex drive of a 16 year old boy and literally needs/wants sex multiple times a day and my sex drive is very low, even worse since I’ve been pregnant) we’ve been literally fighting for the past week over it bc he’s saying that he doesn’t feel loved/wanted and I honestly just don’t know what to do. We have sex like 2-4 times a week depending on my work schedule and he’s still not happy bc he says he feels like I’m just sleeping with him to get him off and not really enjoying it. But it’s hard to enjoy it when I’m exhausted and nauseous but I don’t want him to continue feeling this way. I’m not sure if this is a post to vent or if I’m actually asking for help lol but if anyone has any advice on how to increase my sex drive or other tips/things we can do to make sex not so much of a job but to be more enjoyable for both of us. I should also note that I have never had an O from sex, always has to be clitoral stimulation.