Anissa • Mama of two

Today was just a normal day then 4:00 happened I got up from the couch and I was literally dripping blood EVERYWHERE is was running down my legs like I was peeing on myself. Meanwhile my 10 month old was crawling around and I was leaving blood everywhere. So he ended up following me to go restroom and I was stuck in there holding my son and bleeding. Long story short ended up in the hospital they did a quick ultrasound but did not give me any word on baby. They did a pelvic exam and said my cervix was open which in their words meant miscarriage. So me my husband and mother in law are all crying because we just happen to be in the same room 3 years ago when I had my first miscarriage. An hour or so passes after we cry the dr walks in and she says “ BABY IS FINE HAS A HEARTBEAT OF 170! You have Subchorionic hemorrhage (subchorionic hematoma) which is why I wasn’t in any pain. So after we had already called parents to break the news we had to recall and say oh never mind baby is fine. But in out of everything that happened GOD SAVED MY BABY I KNOW HE DID THERE IS NO DOUBT HE WAS THERE WITH US