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Do you post on social media the things that you would and or do you post on this app?

I do not know about you guys but this is the only place that I can post 1 billion things about trying to conceive. There is such a stigma on having multiple children and I am so sick of all the stupid questions. Don’t you have a TV ? You need a new hobby! I would hate to change all those diapers! When are you going to be done!? That’s going to destroy your body! So when I come to glow this is literally my only place and people I can talk to about conceiving children and wanting more children.We are currently TTC number four. Number three will be one on Friday! And we absolutely treasure our growing family!!! Diapers and all!!!

Also I highly suggest the book Be Fruitful and Multiply by Nancy Campbell to every wife/mother diligently seeking Christ for her family!

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