Feeling terrible. 😭

So a couple months ago I posted about how my partner at the time and I were expecting a little one and how we were so excited about it. Well around when I was 9 weeks along, some of his friends got into his ear and repeatedly told him that it wasn’t his an that I was nothing but a skank and after a while he started believing it, he became very mentally and emotionally abusive towards me, saying how he hopes the baby isn’t his and that he’ll get a test to prove it wasn’t his and after saying some more terrible things to me he forcibly kicked me out of the house and my mom came and got me.

A few nights later I came to a decision to give the baby up for adoption, but I didn’t want him finding out about it, so I told everyone I lost it, only a select few know about the situation. And please no rude comments about my decision there’s a lot you don’t know that I can’t type out.

I’ve asked my cousin and her fiancé to adopt (they’ve been trying for years to conceive) and they’ve said yes, they know I have mixed emotions about this whole thing but I am wanting better for this baby.

Well anyways I found out today that I’m giving my cousin and her fiancé a baby boy. I know I’m not stable enough for this sweet little life growing inside of me, mentally, emotionally or financially. It just hurts that this will be my first baby boy (I already have one daughter, she’s 7 months old and I’m barely stable enough for her)... and I can’t turn back now either 😭😭

I feel like a terrible mother but I know that this is the better option for this baby. 😭😭😭😭