Sharing my BFP Story 👶🏼

Amanda • SAHM 👶 Avid Traveler✈️ Expat 🇭🇰

Hello ladies!

After 8 months, I finally got my BFP this week! I thought I would share what worked for me, in case it is helpful. I know I appreciated women who shared so I could pick up any tips!

I'm 30 years old, and I had been on some form of BC for 15 years before TTC... most recently an IUD and the pill for a few months. I stopped BC in November and didn't have what I would call a "period" until March.

Prior to this month, I was closely following my <a href="">ovulation calendar</a>, using preseed, checking my CM, and no matter how exhausted we were, forced my husband to baby dance 😂. But nothing seemed to be happening.

This month we finally had success! We only had sex a couple of times during my ovulation week because my hubby had his appendix out the week before! 😬 I honestly thought this month would be a wash because of the surgery and my husband's bedrest, so instead of obessing over making a baby this month, we took advantage of his time home and just spent time relaxing and enjoying our time together. 

I think I needed a break from the craziness of TTC. Well the relaxing week did the trick! We BD'd 3 days before ovulation and the day before. That's it! I guess it's true what they say... It only takes one time! 😂 I work up Saturday morning and had this weird feeling I should test at 11 DPO and there it was - my first positive! And today my doctor confirmed. ❤️

Sending baby dust to you ladies. This particular group has been incredibly supportive, and I appreciate all of you so very much.