Sleeping too much?


Hello mummies.

Please don’t hate me for writing this. But I’m concerned by LO sleeps too much! She sleeps from 8/9pm to 6am through the night and then sleeps 2/3 hour naps and then wakes for 1 hour between. She has about 3/4 naps a day. Is this too much. I feel that after I have fed her, she is ready to sleep again I try to play with her and do different things, but she just falls asleep. We have a hour walk every day (she sleeps) and we try to play for 10-15 mins between naps. Is this ok?

I don’t want her to fall behind with milestones because she is asleep.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m blessed to have a baby that’s so content and sleeps through the night. I’m just wondering what you think. ❤️