Feeling bad for my husband


My husband tries to be helpful but sometimes his help is more work than it is worth. He can’t/won’t carry more than 1 or 2 things at a time. Most of the time things he does requires multiple trips. He can’t seem to do things quickly. And I get this is all me being petty and cranky due to lack of sleep. His dawdling only really affects him but still pisses me off.

Really I just want him to know what needs to be done around the house without me saying something. Yes, we swept a few days ago but floors get dirty again. Bedsheets need to be washed at least weekly. Bathrooms need to be scrubbed weekly.

I have had a short fuse lately because I am not getting much sleep. So I have been snapping at him. If I hear “do you need me to do anything?” One more time I might scream. The answer is yes EVERYTHING. I can barely find time to eat and sleep, so no I don’t know what I need. I just need him to know what to do and do it without me having to ask. Or to just take baby and tell me to take a break. Asking me if I need a break when LO is screaming just makes me feel like I am not being a good enough mom. He doesn’t understand how hard it is to let go of LO when he is screaming and we aren’t sure why. He never just says “hey I want time with LO, you go take a break.”

However, he does take the 5:30a feed and he does help when asked. He isn’t a slacker. He just doesn’t anticipate things well.