am I crazy?

Ttc #2 and this may just be wishful thinking but I FEEL prego. I had what I was assuming was my period June 25-27, not like super heavy bleeding but pretty much like a normal period only lasted like 2.5 days. I had been taking HPTs left and right up to this point with all BFN. I took another one on the 29th since it was so short and also a BFN. Well for the past 4-5 days I have been SOoOoOoO sleepy all day long. Like at work I yawn all day. My boobs feel heavy and have become more sensitive and my sense of smell has increased!! Headaches and backaches are also there! I am also peeing A LOT more than normal and it’s a good bit each time I go, not like a UTI where it’s just a trickle. What do you guys think?! Am I crazy? Can I still be pregnant?

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