Advice/Feedback can I still be pregnant


Hello ladies,

I was reading your post and well I just experienced that feeling. I was bending down on my chair to pick up something that fell and yup felt like a needle like pain shoot from my vagina up to my stomach and then down towards my vagina. I am not pregnant either since I did take a home pregnancy test (not one but a couple) and they came back negative... I also went to the doctor because I was feeling some symptoms as well that led me to think I was pregnant. The doctor conducted a check to make sure my IUD was in place (and it was). They drew blood yesterday and results came back today and they are negative. Not sure what is up since been feeling all bloated, center of my breasts are feeling a tad bit sore, gained weight quite fast if you ask me and also been very sleepy and just exhausted (so unlike me). Have been having baby cramps that dont last more than a minute in my lower abdomen. A little nauseas and sometimes have the sensation of puking but nothing happens. Not sure what is wrong with me but was wondering if anyone has experienced something similar to this.

TIA ladies! 😘