particles in mouth?


for about a little over a week I've been feeling like there's particles in my mouth even right after I brush my teeth . I try to swish them around, try to feel them with my tongue or fingers, and tried spitting them out but there's nothing there now I feel like my throat is clogged like a drain. It doesn't hurt or itch or anything just annoying. the first two days I kept pulling little hairs out of my mouth ( I have no pets so I'm guessing it was my hair) but after that o haven't had hairs to pull out but I keep feeling little particles constantly. is it possible for hair to form a ball in my throat like a cat? Lol (weird question I know...) but if that's the problem with my throat then what are the non-existent particles I keep feeling? anyone had a similar situation? this is probably gonna be in the wrong group because I'm not part of any group unrelated to baby stuff.