Boyfriends co worker keeps hitting on him 🙄🙄

So last night my boyfriend comes home from work and says he needs to tell me something about his co worker. I was like oh great 🙄🙄 because this isn’t the first time he’s told me things she said. I don’t really care but this one in particular annoyed me. So here it is...

He begins to tell me that they are working and talking about babies and that he doesn’t know if he wants anymore kids. We have a baby together AND SHE KNOWS THIS. She also knows we live together. And she has the audacity to say...

“It’s okay, I don’t even know if I can get pregnant anyway.”

Like bissshhh what? I was not expecting this story to go this way 😂😂 I just don’t get why girls always gotta try to fight for another girls man. LIKE NO SIS. STOPPPPPP🙂

It low key makes me think that my boyfriend leads her on a little. Like who in their right mind would say that 😂😂😂

**i also want to add that she stayed an hour after she was supposed to leave just to talk to him. He asked her and she said this