So I posted earlier about being addicted to buying more pregnancy tests every time I go to the store.

Kris • Bethany Emilia LeRae Moreno💞 April 15, 2019🤰🏼

So I posted earlier about being addicted to buying more pregnancy tests every time I go to the store. I am also a big couponer. I don’t like paying full price for a lot of things. I went into Walgreens today and found a couple of things on sale for less than $1 that I couldn’t walk out without. My husband was in the truck waiting for me and when I came out I said “I have an addiction” he looked at me with a complete serious are you kidding me look and said “you did not buy more pregnancy tests did you!?” Lmao. No. I didn’t but you know me so well I did that earlier today😂😂