4w5d U/S No sac

Sandra • Mom to 👧🏾

I got a bfp a couple days ago after being told I have blocked Fallopian tubes and best option was <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

Because I’ve had a miscarriage and my “blocked tubes story”, Dr did an ultrasound to rule out ectopic. He explained that the US can’t show a baby at this stage, but it can show that the pregnancy is indeed in the uterus. The US showed nothing. No sac. He said it could be too early and I must go back in a week to do another US.

I’m so anxious. I’m hoping for the best. But, is there anyone who has been in the same situation (no sac at 4w) and later had a normal pregnancy? Or was it ectopic? I need to prepare myself for the worst.