Mom of the Year ❤️

Megan • Army wife. Son 9/14/16 Daughter 7/26/18

So we have struggled with the dilemma of what to do with our 22 month old son when I go into labor or in for my scheduled c-section on the 26th. We are a military family and haven’t made many connections at our current post and the ones we have made we don’t feel uncomfortable letting them watch our son. So we have gone back and forth about hiring a nanny for the last month just to have someone on call or if I was going to go it alone while my husband took care of our son. My parents live 6000 miles away and they are super busy in the finishing stages of building their new home and getting ready to see my brother off to boot camp (which also happens to be my c-section day). My husband’s parents live only 10 hour drive away but decided to have family come stay with them during the time we could have used them 🙄 mom (our Mimi) has decided to put herself on a plane last minute cancelling everything she has going on to fly half way cross the world to come help. I have been having a lot of pre-term labor and baby girl could try to come at anytime up until my c-section date so my mom is going to stay until 6000 miles back home to see my brother off to boot camp and then one week later fly back to us with my dad to spend some time with us and the new baby!!

I’m so grateful and can’t even describe how loved this makes me feel. My husband and I don’t even know what we would do with out her. She is seriously the best mom ever!!