Please pray for my marriage and family ❤️

I have decided to fiercely love my husband. We have been struggling for a few years now with neither of us willing to back down. He has serious trust and control issues stemming from a previous marriage. We went to therapy for 7 months and I have left many times only to come back to the same struggle every time. We speak to each other horribly. I love him and there are so many wonderful qualities in him. He is so full of hate at times. We are faithful to each other and he has never raised a hand to me so I am not going to give up on him. I prayed for my marriage for the first time today and I plan on doing it every day from now on. I grew up very religious but I haven't been in years. I am giving it to God. I will no longer leave, but I'm going to go back to school and make some decisions for myself and hope that my love will be enough at this point. Please pray for us ❤️