
Dominique • First Time Mom 12/29/17 * Layla Mariah Hill* 🎀

I recently notice bumps on my daughter. They are on her legs started only 3 bumps then I notice some on her feet, one on her big toe look like a boil/blister and one small one on her middle toe. Then a boil/blister looking one on her wrist. So then I noticed some on the back of both legs like two each and same on her arms. Took her to the doctor and her pediatrician automatically said HFMD with just looking at the bumps. She said it was some in her mouth but I didn't see any when she let me look. My daughter had a reaction after her 4 month check up to the oral medicine she was given and I let her doc know when it happened. I took her to the pool Saturday and Sunday we went to a barbecue she had on shorts and she took off her socks. So I noticed them on Monday. It just don't seem like hfmd because she didn't have a fever, she's not scratching, she's not in pain and she's not in daycare or anything. She's been very active, playing with her toys, eating well and walking on her feet. HFMD says babies are usually in pain, irritable etc. Her doc was in a rush because we arrived 15 mins late and she was almost out the door. I feel like my daughter wasn't examine enough. Could she have been misdiagnosed. It just not adding up. Seem like bug bites or allergic reaction idk. My mom think measles but doesn't look like them.