Combined or mini pill

So I need to change my pill again because of horribly irregular periods (2 or more periods a month). This one I’m on currently is a mini pill. The first ever pill I was on was a combined one and I felt depressed on this one although I felt depressed when I stopped it too (so I don’t think it was actually the pill that made me depressed but it made it a bit worse). The second one was a mini pill and I had exactly the same irregular periods as I do on this one so I changed to my current pill but this isn’t working for me either. I’ve made an appointment with my doctor for Monday and I’m not sure whether to suggest a combined or a mini pill, it seems like they won’t even let me try another combined pill. If I tried a different combined pill could it be different or would all combined pills make me feel depressed? If I tried a different mini pill could it be different or would all mini pills make me have extremely irregular bleeding and multiple periods a month?