what do i do?

im so lost at this point... my fiance and i have been together for a year and 3 months. we got pregnant really early in the relationship. when we first started going out he used to be motivated. barley ever had a negative attitude.. well now everything is changing. every morning he wakes up and complains.. his gatorades aren't cold enough, he doesn't want to go to work, he's sore... i don't know how much more negativity i can take. when he calls me on his lunch break all he does is bitch about having to work. i stay at home take care of our daughter, babysit my friends daughter for 4 hours, do all the house work, and i even have a part time job on the weekends. i have a back defect which im supposed to have injections done and if that doesn't work then im looking at surgery. im 20 years old. i don't want that. he never asks how my day went or how i feel. yet i always ask him how his day is going. i feel lost.. i don't know what to do anymore i just break down and cry every single night. I've tried medicine, I've tried a councilor, im at a loss every which way i turn.