Incompetent Cervix


I had my cerclage done at 23w. A day before that I was going into pre term labor. Dialated at 3cm with my membranes bulging. Currently now 27 weeks and baby girl is still chugging along. This pregnancy has been so rough its unreal. I'm just so glad my doctor was able to save my baby. I'm a first time mom and I never expected any of this to happen.

Sending positive thought to all of you ladies in this group. This shit is not easy by any means.

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Posted at
I'm going through the same situation I had mine 3 weeks ago I went back and they said I had fluid leaking so I'm progesterone to see if it work let's cross our fingers I'm 24 weeks now my son is okay I have had 3 miscarriages but never knew I had and incompetent your not alone it's scary everything paranoid you and it's gonna be like that til I deliver


Ashleigh • Jul 16, 2018
Oh wow! I'm so sorry that you didn't know. this is my first and I almost lost her at 23w. i was very lucky but I'm more than halfway through my 27th week. I'm also on progesterone. I'm hoping everything is okay with your baby boy!


Posted at
Hang in there Mama!!! Are you at the hospital on bed rest? With my first pregnancy I had a cerclage at 20 weeks because my cervix was only 1.5 long. I was on bed rest. It was really tough but worth it. She came at 29 weeks and is now a healthy 20 month old toddler.


Ashleigh • Jul 14, 2018
That is what happened to me as well! by 23 weeks I was dialated at 3cm. then I had my surgery sent 5 days in the hospital after then they sent me home on bedrest. thank you! makes me feel better that I'm not alone.


Posted at
How did they do the cerclage?


Ashleigh • Jul 13, 2018
Thank you very much! I'm staying hopeful 😊


Ly • Jul 13, 2018
Oh okay, I was just curious. Glad everything is going well!! Hopefully they continue to go well


Ashleigh • Jul 13, 2018
It was a vaginal one I had to go under


Posted at
I lost our baby girl last year at 5-6 months. Afterwards I was diagnosed with this. So when I get pregnant again I will have to have the stitches done.. can you ladies shed some light on how it was done and how you felt afterwards?


starting • Jan 18, 2021
I had the cerclage at 20 weeks and three days later my water broke. I was on hospital bedrest for a week and delivered at 21 weeks and 6 days. They don’t resuscitate until the baby is atleast 22 weeks at the hospital I went to. I wish I monitored the dilation first (because I was only 1 cm dilated) and put it off for a week or two. At 24 weeks the pregnancy is considered “viable”.


Kim • Nov 19, 2019
I haven’t gotten pregnant since but I’ve read where people went on bedrest and some didn’t. Some seemed to handle the whole thing fine


Samantha • Nov 19, 2019
Me too. I lost my baby I August. Will I have to go on bed rest after the cerclarge is placed in?