man checking out other women?

ive been w my hub for 4yrs now. before marriage, he told me that he thinks its disrespectful to look at other women being in a relationship. whether watching porn, half naked women/naked women on scene, women in public, and even youtube videos of them. also, no female friends. he says it would just mean the man has no values for his woman and their relationship. he wanted me to do the same to him, cause then he would think that im onto them more than him or even think theyre more attractive. he hates when i watch guys do covers on youtube, play instruments, or even a drama w hot guys in it lol. but it didnt mean i lile them more than my hub. i just stop for the sake of our relationship. he didnt want me to have guy friends cause he said theyll just try seduce me and try to get in my pants. he said ithis is why guys and girls cant be friends. anyways, 4yrs now of marriage, i see that he has a wandering eye. hed check out women in public w me there, he gets so alerted i could tell. hed even stop what hes doing to check out the woman on scene in front of me. he checks out women on youtube, he watches porn, id say he masturbate to them more than have sex w me. we only have sex 2x a mth. he has female co workers friends behind my back.i feel like hes checked out into our marriage. we have grown apart.