Haunted while pregnant

I’ve posted anonymously because of how crazy this is going to sound to some of you.

Okay. I know what you’re thinking “She’s crazy”. But bare with me. I’m nearly 10 weeks. For the past 4 days I’ve been having some things happen. I had my 1st ultrasound 4 days ago. Keep that in mind.

#1: I sat my ultrasound picture on my night stand until I got a picture frame for it. Well it somehow keeps ending up under the edge of the bed. It also looks like someone has balled it up. (Okay. Maybe a draft, right? Easily explained. )

#2: My dogs. Well behaved, they sleep in Crate together, both fixed so they aren’t in heat and I’ve never heard them growl. Well until recently. Every night always around 12:50 am and 4 am they went ballistic. Growling and barking at nothing I can see. I’ve searched house and looked outside. Nothing. (Okay. Maybe an animal that’s outside that’s hiding when I look, right? Easily explained. )

#3: My cats. Normal cats. Well they completely refuse to come into my room. Normally they’ll lay on my bed and sleep. They just sit outside the door and stare. (Maybe they just don’t like me anymore, right? Explained)

#4: Voices. Only at night. It’s only happened twice so far. Once I was almost asleep and I heard someone talking. I couldn’t make out what it was saying but it jerked me awake. The other time I had been asleep for almost 2 hours. I thought it was a dream. Just dark and someone talking. All I could make out was that it said “her” and it sounded like it was laying beside me. I jerked awake screaming. Not no TVs were on. No cell phones making noise. Just me in the house.

#5: I’ve felt something constantly following me and watching me. I’ve also felt cold spots where the baby stuff is kept in my room.

I know it seems like I’m over reacting but I’ve never been so scare. I’ve lived in the same house for 3 years and never had anything weird happen. I’ve always felt safe.