Progesterone shots rock!! ❤️


If there are any expecting moms wondering if they should get progesterone injections, I would highly recommend. 👌🏻

I have 2 children & 1 on the way. My first child I went into spontaneous labor at 31.5 weeks gestation, I felt cramps all day long but since it was my first child, I didn’t think I was having contractions! The pain ended up getting worse and it was then I had my significant other take me to the nearest emergency room. When the doctor checked me I was 6cm dilated, they admitted me right away and tried to stop labor with mag oxide, which did work for 2 days. They did give me a steroid injection to help baby’s lungs mature. The second day, the contractions started up, but they weren’t registering on the contraction machine. They checked me and said baby’s head was right there and it was time to push! Within an hour, my son was born. He had jaundice and needed to be fed with a feeding tube for the first week, other than that he had no health problems and until this day no health problems/developmental delays. He weighed 3 lbs, 11 oz. He stayed in the NICU for one month, they wouldn’t release him until he reached at least 5 lbs.

My second child was born at 34.5 weeks and I did take progesterone shots from 16 weeks until I delivered. My ob did do more ultrasound for cervical length and I was starting to thin before 20 weeks. It was around 2am and I started having strong contractions, this time I knew what to expect 🤣. With both, I never had Braxton Hicks, just went into spontaneous labor. I went into the ER and I was 4cm dilated. They did not try to stop the labor. She was born weighing 5 lbs 4 oz, completely healthy and a healthy little girl today!

We had to stay an extra 5 days because she lost more weight and they wanted her to be at least 5 lbs before we left.

I am now in my third pregnancy & happy to announce I am 37 weeks & 2 days! I have taken progesterone shots since 16 weeks and had my last shot at 36 weeks, last week! I had frequent ultrasounds, no sign of a short cervix this time around! I did have marginal placenta previa for a few weeks. Other than that, I’ve had a healthy pregnancy and am so thrilled this baby will be considered full-term! I really do believe progesterone shots help! The only side effects I had from them was pain at the site of injection, but I would take that over a premature baby any day!

This is me at my 37 week OB appt, yesterday ⬇️

Update 7/17: I am now 37 weeks + 6 days! I’ve been having back pain, increased discharge, and Braxton Hicks. I get checked tomorrow 7/18 to see if I have dilated anymore! (I was 2cm dilated at 36 weeks).

Update 7/18: 38 weeks!! Doctor said I’m still sitting at 2cm dilated, head is low but cervix is still sitting high!

38 week ob appt ⬇️