In law problems

Mae • 20.

Trying to just get a little advice on how to deal with this. My new in laws are just hard lol. They are very hard to communicate with and I feel awkward and forced trying to start a convo. I don’t think they hate me, they communicate with him well and it would have been said, I think they are just not used to me as he is the oldest and first to be married, they just live differently. I grew up pretty average but with a large family and my hubby grew up with a bit of money with a small family just 2 siblings vs my 7 lol. I feel kinda insecure over there and I’m just stuck now. When I first met them it was important to me to be my own person, to talk and communicate and not be on his side at all times but now I feel like I just want to give up, go over and just be quiet follow my hubby go with the flow and let time heal. But I also love my husband so it’s important to me that I get along with his family. Has anyone had similar issues, how did you resolve them?