3rd time having the glucose test


So the fist time I had the one hour glucose test done and it came back at 156. I cheated earlier that morning at 7am and had a small amount of jello.

The second time around I had the three hour test done, because of the first test results.

This test cane back normal.

So this past Monday 7/9/18 I had an ultrasound and my baby’s belly is measuring a little big for her size, weight.

All other ultrasounds came back good, all normal. Mind you....I get an ultrasound sound every month due to high risk. All my pregnancy I’ve been considered “healthy” my baby is growing perfect.....until this last ultrasound

Tomorrow 7/14/18 I will be 32wks

I’m going in for the three hour test again! Based on the recommendations from the Dr.

I’ve only gained 8lbs throughout my entire pregnancy....so needless to say, I’m nervous, scared because I just want my baby to be okay. This is my rainbow 🌈 baby...after multiple miscarriages....everything scares me. Any advice? Anyone else had this situation happen to them?