Why are LDRs so hard sometimes😪

I get so uncomfortable when my boyfriend tells me he’s going out with friends which is like once or twice every week or so. I really do trust him so idk why it gets to me. But then I also feel like I’m the one who really makes the most effort in communicating. Sometimes my shift starts at 6:45am and I get there 15 minutes early just to talk to him (he’s +9 hours). Sometimes I do back off just to see if he reaches out and he does and I know he loves me because he shows me in many ways when weretogether but this communication thing while apart is not one of them. I feel like I put in 70% while he only puts in 30 and this could be due to the fact that he goes out way more than I do and when he does he doesn’t text me back. Which I understand that he’s with his friends but while it’s nighttime there it’s the daytime here and it would be nice to get a text back every hour or so to know that he’s okay. When I do end up going out he says don’t look too good and makes sure to text me and when I don’t text back right away which I usually do he texts me more. I don’t have friends in my hometown as they all moved away but I made friends with some coworkers and in two weeks we’re going clubbing for one of their birthdays and honestly I’m really looking forward to being on the other side for the first time in awhile. Because while I work Monday-Friday and take two online classes he has graduated and is applying for jobs but other than that he’s free. Maybe I’m just jealous I don’t know. I just know that when we’re together I never feel this way and we go out together and have a great time. Maybe I’m just feeling left out. I hate being in a LDR and I just want it all to go back to normal.