Possible TMI: Husband won’t touch me

I just want to vent, y’all. My husband and I have been married a little over a year, and dated for four. In a few months we are expecting our first baby together. I absolutely adore my husband and can’t imagine him ever cheating on me but since I’ve been pregnant our sex consists of him just sticking it in, cumming and we are done. Plus it’s pretty far and between. Like once a week would be great right now and that’s if I’m lucky. I cannot remember he last time we had good foreplay or he licked me and I really don’t have a clue the last time I orgasmed.. mooonths ago. We used to have really great sex but getting him to come near me lately is like I’m pulling teeth! A couple days ago I went over him and asked if he wanted to come lick me (it’s been probably about three months since he last did it - and I give him a blow job or hand Job on the weekly.) His response to me asking that was “he didn’t feel up to it.” He said he was tired. It was so frustrating that I just went to bed. And he didn’t understand why it upset me. And we even talked about it after he fact and he still didn’t get it. My confidence is so low during this pregnancy (it’s my first) as none of my clothes fit right. I know it’s normal but I’ve went from 130 to 170 and him not ever wanting to bang makes me so frustrated and upset and just plain bad about myself. It feels like we only do it when he wants and that gets a bit annoying because it’s just for him and never for me. Okay so tonight when I was home alone after work I decided that since he hasn’t been “in the mood” lately that maybe he is watching porn on the regular. I don’t really care if he watches it, I get that it’s normal. So I open up his history because I want to see what he’s watching to keep him from banging his wife who has needs. All of his searches are about how to get a prostate orgasm and then his porn searches were for Rihanna and Selena Gomez. Which sucks because they’re both super skinny and super hot so that makes this 170lb girl feel pretty shitty. I get that he is going to watch hot girl porn but geez. Can’t he just watch the usual porn stars. And as for his prostate google searches... I’ve tried many times to please him that way and he never gets anything from it so obviously I’m shit at it but we even have toys and one of them is for that and he still doesn’t organism. Idk what to do. I guess it’s just me and my vibrator for awhile til he gets out of this boring dry spell.