Poor hubby


My poor hubby is getting cut off the medical advancements 🤷‍♀️.

Both my SIL and I are pregnant at the same time and they have both gone to great lengths to find out the gender early. So naturally my hubby was ready to get a blood test and start shopping. He got so excited he forgot....

his wife is a pediatric nurse who has no need to rush anything and is clearly over the unnecessary testing as it is. Next thing I hear...

"How are we gonna prepare then?"

I laughed (oops-again) and told him my body, my rules but that he more then welcome to ask them at the ultrasound if the baby allows.


To all the women concerned about my husband confidence after such a devastating blow... he find this all very amusing and has moved on to possible baby names. I think we're gonna skip the divorce lawyer for now. No need to fret!!