For those who lost weight easily while breastfeeding


As in, more than just the baby weight... when/did you gain it back?

So I’m down about 15 lbs compared to my prepregnancy weight. I haven’t been doing anything to loose the weight, the LO is just sucking it out of me 🤷‍♀️. My pants are falling off! (A good problem to have 😉) but I hesitate to buy new, because I wonder if I’ll start gaining it all back once he starts with other foods in a month or so. I plan on BF at least until 1, but probably until 2 or so. LO is currently almost 5 months.

Additional info... I’m 5’2” so 15 lbs is pretty significant for me; my current & prepregnancy weight are both in a healthy/ normal weight range (not over or under weight)