What worked for y’all ?

Michaela • Mama to Charlotte Rose 7.30.18💛 👧🏼 Chloe Evelyn 👧🏻 Caroline June 👧🏼11.05.20

Currently 37 weeks today & due to me already having so many issues early on in my pregnancy Doctor gave me the go ahead to try to get things moving because she knows i wanna go into labor on my own and not have to be induced . Also she doesn’t want me going over due .

So what worked for y’all ?

I’ve been drinking red leaf tea ( between 2-5 glasses) a day . And taking a evening primrose oil pill . I heard using a breast pump can help . Anyone else heard that ?

Sex at this point is out of the question because my daughter is already sitting so low ( doctor could feel her head when checking me even though I was only 1 CM&50% effaced ) that sex is VERY much painful and uncomfortable for me .