TTC Struggles


I'm sure this isn't a completely uncommon situation but I'm not really looking for advice, just needed to vent.

My husband and I have been married for almost a year now. We're older(ish) and he's been in for almost 11 years. He's currently in a non-deployable position and will be for the next couple years, so we decided to start trying to conceive. This is month 3 since I've had my birth control removed. Despite how awesome it is to think that he would for sure be here for the birth of we were to get pregnant, we have to actually have sex to get there in the first place. It's not like we don't want to becuase we definitely do, he is just so tired from work every day that he barely makes it 30 minutes of being home before he falls asleep. To make matters worse, next month he starts working 6 days a week 😫. We both want a baby so bad, but the Army is totally clock blocking us. He works so hard to further his career and do well in his position, even though it's not his area of expertise. I hate waking him up and robbing him of that much needed sleep. I just wish he could get a little bit of a break. It's just extra added stress on top of TTC.

Anyone else getting screwed over by the green weenie???