infertility .


depressed as fuck ... is the only way I can describe it ... I’m going to set up a counseling session this upcoming week just to have someone to talk to. It’s been a year of negative test after test ... I even got a hsg & laparoscopy done on May 10th ... come to find out both of my tubes were blocked . It’s extremely heartbreaking to not be able to conceive naturally ... my obgyn gave me hope, I honestly thought that the hsg would work & I would get pregnant by now . I got my period this morning & it just sucksssss . my fiancé doesn’t grasp infertility & how depressing it is ... so I just keep everything in & it’s honestly killing me . I have nobody to talk too & im tired of hearing “it will happen when the time is right”. ... I feel like a failure, less of a woman because I can’t get pregnant . I’m supposed to get married in April but I told my fiancé if I can’t give you a child, I’m not gonna marry you because he wants a child so bad & I don’t think I can give him that . It’s just frustrating & I find myself getting angry with god because I just feel like “WHY ME?” ... if I cant conceive naturally by September, then <a href="">IVF</a> starts 😢 anybody else going through depression?