Long story

Last night me and my boyfriend got into a huge fight. We have been dating for 10 months and I mentioned how perhaps we should start meeting each other’s extended family members ( uncles, aunts etc). I knew this might be an issue for him as he claims to not have a relationship with his family other than with his mom and grandma, but I had hoped he would try especially if we are trying to move forward in a relationship. However, it didn’t go well and the conversation ended seeming like he was saying if he brought me over to meet his extended family it would be a disaster because they don’t take him serious, making me feel less inclined to want to meet them after all. I told him I needed space because I was sad, and he told me he would check up on me later. He sent me a text apologizing later, but I was still sad I didn’t reply. Thinking he was going to call me later I waited and figured we could talk about it then. But he never called.... around 2am I was like tf?? I’m waiting for your call? He claimed he was giving it more time? More time for what?? It took him an hour to admit that he needed space from me as well, and he claimed to have sent me two text messages earlier...... THAT WAS A LIE! I asked him to send me a screenshot proving he texted and he said” oh I don’t wanna do that right now”?!!!

It took him another hour to admit that he lied about sending another text to check up on me. I type all of this to ask why? Why did he feel the need to lie? This is not the first time he told little white lies in an attempt to not get in trouble with me. I honestly feel like I may need to end it because what kind of boyfriend lies about things like that.