Thankfully was not pregnant forever!


It has been an interesting night and not what I expected. Contractions began around 3 yesterday and were very inconsistent. I couldn't remember what they felt like until these showed up and it all came slamming back to me. Intense pain that starts in the back and then wraps around to the front. I walked a ton to get things moving. my contractions were about 5-7 minutes apart when thankfully my husband's sergeant sent him home. We had time to finish packing my bag and I cleaned the house a little. Eventually the pain was so bad I was crying during each contraction. Time to go! I was checked and was already 5cm so I was admitted and prepped immediately for the epidural. I know my limits. Once I had that life was good again! I stayed to feel pressure send a little pain like it could be time to push so the nurse checked me and looked concerned. Turns out baby boy flipped to breach some time in the last few weeks. That meant c- section. I was really upset, but what can you do? It was quick but I can't say painless. About an hour or so later I was holding my sweet little boy. He is 8lbs 7oz, 21.5 in and we're still working on a name. I can honestly say that recovery so far for a c-section as compared to vaginal is a total bitch, but I'm glad it's all over!