Just need reassurance I'm not losing my mind 😩

In 2014 I had my son and he was born perfectly healthy and amazing in 2015 we decided to try for baby number 2 .. I had 3 chemical pregnancys and a miscarriage at 8 weeks before getting pregnant with my rainbow baby.. my pregnancy was going perfect but I noticed he didn't move as much as my son did in my first pregnancy I just thought he was more relaxed and I mentioned it to the consultant a few times and got told it was nothing to worry about. At 35 weeks my baby was born sleeping I thought I was going into labour I lost my mucus plug and went into hospital and they couldn't find a heart beat. I had a traumatic labour as he got stuck and had to be pulled using forceps.. afterwards I had my little boy to look after I put on a brave face and things returned to normal I put everything to the back of my mind and had to carry on for my first child and it remained like this for a year and a half and then suddenly I've been diagnosed with extreme anxiety to a point I struggle to leave the house I'm left in tears and feeling useless daily and I don't even recognise myself I either sleep all day or I just do anything to not leave the house it's affecting my son which is in turn making me feel even worse as I just desperately want to feel better. I've been put on lots of different tablets but they make my panic attacks worse so I stopped taking them I just feel like I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel and I don't know what to do! I'm 14 weeks pregnant again and I thought I would feel a little bit better or excited but I just can't think about anything other than these horrible attacks. Am I losing my mind? Sorry for the long post 😩