What is your reason?

Rachel • Married 💍👧🏼👩🏼👦🤵🏻👰🏼

This is just a little appreciation post. Every single day I thank God for him. I wonder how I got so lucky. I think back to all the things I have done wrong in my life. The choices I have made. I think about karma, I think about how one decision, on wronge choice could have changed everything. I watch him with my daughter's, I watch him with his son and I become on the verge of tears. I am blessed. Blessed to call him all mine. Blessed because in this crazy fast world I found him, he found me. We found each other. Everything had to happen the way it did, just so we could be where we are today. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. He is my reason ❤️

What is your reason?...