Please help

need someone not to judge me please I had enough . So when I was 15 years old I Meet my boyfriend now my husband. Our relationship was toxic he used to drink a lot and he would call me names like ,hole,bitch and bla bla , I was only 15 years old . He stop drinking we got married when I turn 18 ,Because his lawyer suggest because he is illegal and am Legal. In the beginning I didn't want him to be deported he suffer a lot in his country he got shot twice and I see his family its very poor so I Got married . We did have fights he brokes like 3 of my cellphones but I wasn't miserable until last year. Last year I lose my job so I stay home couple months, he was mad about it so .A guy I had met before my husband but I never had to with him since I was away I found on Facebook and started talking, I knew that was wrong but the truth my husband told me things like that I left his house if I did not like his style of Life, even asked for love and told me that he was not a darling that if I could find another man, finally insulted me and once I spit in my face, I broke headphones sack my clothes out horrible.My cousin invited me to her house for a party and I went away from Florida and then there was when I encounted and I had sex with the guy. I felt free and well at first because long ago I did not have a time of happiness. I return home I didn't told my husband what I did but never let me touch because I knew what I did so I left the house and asked for divorce... At last he called me he said he had dreams and my mom treated me very badly to defend him so I return.I have dreams of traveling always to be my dream, I want to be a good nurse, I just hired in the Hospital and was annoyed because it is night and there are many men. The truth sometimes I want to go and more in time to have a partner that is legal and we can go out that does not think so of me.. That motivates me to study not like that does not motivate me at all and I'm just tired not to do, my mom says I have to fight and pray to God not to do any Christian who understands?