weight loss?


my weight has always been right in the healthy zone. but recently, it’s been confusing. i eat a lot and workout a lot. the other day i had a binge day with my bff while watching movies, and we ate a lot. i weigh myself often because i like to see results. before i went over on friday i weighed myself, i was at 113lbs. after eating like a lot, i also went on a four mile hike on the way to her house, but ate a lot more. sadly, i was expecting to gain weight. that’s what happens when you eat a bunch of unhealthy food, right? but i came home and weighed myself and i was 111lbs. i didn’t know if it was bloating or what so i waited the next day because you always weigh less in the morning. i was still at 111lbs. does anyone know what’s going on? i tried to research it but it all came up with pregnancy stuff, and i’m far from that. my weights never fluctuated like this, any ideas why?