Help period or implantation


Hey ladies,

I’ve posted a few times anonymously but no response.

I need advice.

So my cycle is usually 26 days I know from time to time it can change.

However I did the deed 2nd of July my fiancé believes he had an “accident” grrr!

Well my period came three days early, wasn’t heavy but what I believe to be more then spotting. But the heaviest the flow got only last a couple hours.

Anyway last night it completely stopped.

Today would be my due date for my actual period.

Well I’ve started spotting again!

Do I take a test ?

I lost my left Fallopian tube at the beginning of the year!

Same thing had my period ( or what I thought was)

Then week after found out I was pregnant.

I’ll go doctors tomorrow. But any words of advice is welcomed