Asking a caretaker about vaccines


Now. This is not a “should I vaccinate post” because most of you know my stance. This is a care giver vaccination post.

Here’s what happened

I went with my cousin the their day to check out day cares for her son. Me and her are both very pro vaccines. We both get sick extremely easy so she’s worried about her son. So I asked the head of the day care if there is a way she can prove that the teachers are up to date on vaccines like TDAP etc. She seemed appalled and said they we just need to trust her word on it. Me (being high temper and 37 weeks pregnant) got a little pissy about it saying that we are trusting you as caregivers to be up to date on certain vaccines etc. around our children. I understand I cant control the kids that attend the day care (although I wish there was a system in place for over protective parents) but care givers I think should be able to provide if they are up to date or not.

What do you guys think? If this is gonna be too much (get way to heated) I’ll delete the post

UPDATE: I don’t by any means wants to look through each employees medical records by any means. That’s an invasion of privacy. But as some have stated having a policy to show “it’s mandatory for all employees to be up to date” or a sign that’s visible that states that everyone is vaccinated would put a lot of people at ease.