*Trigger Warning: Involves gun violence and suicide.* Should the girl be charged in this situation?

Cailin • No, I don’t have anything better to do.

A girl (19) and her boyfriend (20) were driving through their city, the girl was driving. There were two people shooting and the man ended up getting shot. The girl drives away from the scene to escape the shootings. She calls the police and is told they are sending an ambulance. Her phone dies and she is distraught and panicking. Some time passes and if feels like it’s been a half hour, though it’s only been 5 minutes. She panics more and thinks the ambulance is not coming and out of grief she decides to run the car into a brick building. Moments later the ambulance shows up and she survives the impact. Her boyfriend however did not. Officials decide cause of death was not from the gunshot wound, but from the collision. So should the girl in this situation be charged for his death?

Unrelated question: did I do the trigger warning correctly? And sorry if this is morbid.

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