Lost hope.


Currently the start of a miscarriage maybe.

I’ve been spotting for about 13 days non stop. Before my bfp and after. Now it’s not soaking a pad or even stains my underwear.

But the spotting is when I wipe.

When I went to the urgent care. I was told it was so early they hardly saw anything. They did both type of ultrasounds. They said everything looked normal. But my hcg levels were low. At the time I was 13 dpo.

Yesterday was the 1st time I spotted red. and now light red spotting. Yesterday I cried so much. I could see the hurt in My husband’s face ,he said he felt horrible that he can’t do anything for me. He has kept me off my feet. He did the alll laundry(even folded it and put it away ) , he went grocery shopping with a list I made him, made me food in bed. He has been my literally my haven. Just hurts cause this will be our 2nd miscarriage. I’m hoping for best. Buts not looking to good.

Just feels like I’m never going to get to be a mom or give him baby.

Also this baby would’ve been due in March which is our anniversary month.

And April is both our birthday month.