Don’t know how to feel

Me and my so and my daughter are currently staying with my sil because we just moved here from a couple states away, and are waiting on our home to be move in ready.

Well my daughters toys are in storage minus a few dolls that we keep put up because of there dog.

For My daughters birthday we got her a very expensive doll and she LOVES it so we let her keep it here with us. well we keep it put up on the very top shelf so the dog and other kids can’t reach it.

Somehow during the night this dog has managed to get it and chew it up, we woke up this morning to doll hair and plastic parts everywhere and my daughter (of course) crying.

We told my sil about it and she laughed... literally laughed.. and said dogs will be dogs.

I get dogs will be dogs but this dog eats up all of our cats food, tears into the bags, chews up any of my daughters toys he gets ahold of even when there put up, jumps on our bed leaving hair and dirt everywhere, he’s gone so far to chew holes in the wall of the hallway and chew the siding of there kitchen door completely off!

I am at my wits end and don’t know what to do, I am SO appreciative that there letting us stay here and I don’t want to complain but this was my daughters birthday doll and I’m almost in tears!

I don’t know what to do about this dog and every time I try to say something all they say is “dogs will be dogs”

I am going CRAZY.