

If this is not appropriate please let me know and I will delete.

So I had an early miscarriage last August at 5 weeks and to me it felt like an intensified period.

So now here I am, 9 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I am having horrible cramping! I thought it may have been constipation, but I did go to the bathroom, and now it def feels more like period cramping. I am TERRIFIED! I called the dr and she said there’s nothing they can really do over the phone, since my ultrasound at 7 weeks was normal and I’m not bleeding. She said I could take Tylenol for the cramps or if I really wanted to “do” something, I could go to the ER where they could check me in and give me an ultrasound and see what’s going on. I just really need some support. I’m a mess right now because I’m scared it’s happening again.