I'm just posting this to organize my thoughts

The other night my boyfriend, one of his friends, and I were all hanging out in my boyfriends bedroom (he has his own house, but the Xbox is in his room so that's where we usually hang). We were drinking and smoking weed because we always drink and smoke. I was spaced out, but when I tuned in, my boyfriend was asking his friend what he was thinking about. He probably asked him 10+ times and the guy just kept saying "nothing, man, nothing"

So my boyfriend texts me and says "was he thinking about you?" Like first of all how the fuck am I supposed to know? I don't talk to this dude unless we're hanging out with him. I've probably been alone with him for like 3 full minutes of my entire life, I don't have his number or anything, he isn't even my friend on Facebook. I cleaned his vomit after he chugged a beer and threw up on the carpet. But I thought I was just being nice, and it wasn't even a lot of vomit.

My boyfriend has some jealous tendencies because of previous relationships. I don't mind them because I know I'll never do anything to hurt him. He also doesn't fully trust his friends around me. He knows I won't hurt him (he still feels the need to ask sometimes, but I always reassure him), but several of his friends have expressed interest in me. One of them asked if he could fuck me with my boyfriend. My boyfriend told him no, then told me.

I don't really know what to think, but I'm pretty narcissistic. I like when people like me, but I don't wanna have to turn down one of my boyfriends friends. This guy is super nice, has my dream dog (along with 4 others), a very nice truck, and a 2 year old son (my boyfriend and I have a 9 month old son). He's also the best driver I have ever seen. Like this dudes driving actually kinda turns me on. I know it's kinda fucked up to think that, but it's true. I know I would never cheat on my boyfriend though. I don't know, it isn't even confirmed he likes me.

Something that has also been fucking with me is watching these guys literally being in love with a girl and settling down with a different one as their girlfriend. I read a text from one that said "I held Whitney in my arms today it just felt so right" I immediately stopped reading because I realized that was probably an invasion of privacy, but this dude has a girlfriend that isn't Whitney (this isn't the same guy as above). I've watched two different guys do this, and it's honestly been fucking me up a lot. Like is this a regular thing for guys to do?? That's so inconsiderate to their girlfriends in my opinion. If you love someone that's in a relationship, I think you should just stay single till somethings figured out...

To the comment asking about my son being watched, yes, he was at my mom's house. She likes to keep him Saturday nights, and it gives us time to goof around like the young adults we are without having to worry about caring for him while drunk. And as a bonus, my boyfriend's friend's son was with his baby mama.