I'm so in love

so quick story. my bestfriend since 7th grade (I'm in 9th) and I are very close. recently, in a club we are in, a friend said that we should date, and calls us a "couple" (like he'll ask 'where's your boyfriend/girlfriend' when talking to us) and we both kinda shrug it off. we have this club once every two weeks, and at lunch we both walk together over to McDonald's together. it's kinda like a date, we spend an hour together eating food and talking. i miss him every week until I see him again, and he obviously doesn't feel the same. i wish that we could turn our friendship into something else. we act like were in a relationship when we're together, and people mistake us often, but he made it clear that he's not interested in dating anyone over the summer. (we were talking about his ex and how she's hopping from guy to guy to make him jealous, and he brought up that he was not even thinking about seeing someone over the summer.) should I tell him how I feel, or let things continue how they are?