skip to the bottom for the main point

major back story before i get to the actual problem:

so this guy who lives 2 hours away that i'm super close with and i'm super super close to his family, like his family is my second family, i stay there all the time. i've had this thing with this guy for almost a year now and like as teenagers we aren't serious but we fuck pretty much every time i go to his house which is like every second weekend, or on holidays up to a week. we fuck once or more times a day or night. we used to date at the very start before we really properly knew each other but now we just prefer being fuck buddys. i still fuck other guys but like hes my go to.

this girl has had a crush on him like maybe just before we started hanging out. her and myself are very good friends now but at the time when me and this boy were regularly fucking we didn't really talk as much as we do. so my boy chose me over her and she's been jealous since forever and then he finally chose her over me (i'm not too fussed about because we are all still friends) but still fucked me behind her back i know it was wrong but i still did it and we kept it on the low bc we didn't really want her finding out obvi. but she somehow ended up finding out every time or just always assumed every time that i was over. so recently we have only kinda just stopped and one of (boy A)

so this girl that is with Boy A kinda now, actually used to date his friend Boy B for six fucking years. so they have a long line of history. but his family fucking hate her. both boy A's and B's family dont like her. so Boy B came over and we were all just playing bear pong and like i was showing off a bit bc he was fucking hot. Boy A was getting a bit jealous but i didn't care. so that night we end up getting like shit faced on jacky d's and like the whole night me and Boy B are flirting. we end up kinda hooking up while Boy A was soba the whole night. Boy A's sister was with us at the time, she was also shit faced. me and Boy B ended up in Boy As bed and like cuddling with the sister passed out on the floor.

I fucked my fuck buddy/ boyf kinda/ fwb best friend in his bed ... and now i'm in love with his best friend... i only get to see him every second weekend and he doesn't have a phone bc it's smashed. we can't really talk only a little bit on his laptop while he's at school. wtf do i do?? stick with him and keep fuckinh boy B or drop all of it and start fresh ?