Stopped my birth control for a month (kina long post)

I have been on birth control around a year straight this month my doctor was out when i needed my refill pack and they told me they couldnt release it to me because It was time to get a papsmear and noone could do it since she was not there, and usually i can go get birth control in mexico just by paying BUT i had no one to take me and i cant go alone, so basically i havent drank it for almost a month because i finished my period July 1st and im supposed to get my period on july 26 again... my husband always finishes inside me when im on my pill and everythings cool, im safe i take it on time and everything but these weeks that i couldnt get my pill we still have sex but he just pulls out like way before he finishes, i know i can still get pregnant but is it a real high chance? I have a 1 1/2 year old and am not ready for baby #2 just yet im just sitting around waiting for it to be the week im supposed to start my period so i can go get my pills and start all over i hope. What do you all think.